Saturday, March 31, 2007

Greatly enjoyed lunch with Marge yesterday. We went to Dockside and I had some of the best salmon (with salad) I ever tasted. We talked and talked, finally left, drove down the street to the bay to say hello to Pat, then drove the 20 miles to Chatsworth, talking and talking all the way.
Marge said Drama Club meeting on Wednesday went all right, although several members were absent. After rehearsal, she initiated a discussion as to whether the group will continue after the show in May. She said the consensus was that it should go on as long as the directors stay. Well, I was one of the 4 directors and I resigned; Dennis has some health issues and it's possible he'll have to give it up; Amy is very busy with family and volunteer work; and Marge herself is not in perfect health. Also, there have been some member dropouts for various reasons and no additions for the past year or so.
The biggest problem is the difficulty in acquiring appropriate material. Marge bought some "senior (readers) theatre" books and we culled what we could from them, but many are too long and/or just not very funny. All four of us wrote material, too--much of which, in my not-so-humble-opinion, was better than the paid stuff. We also stole brazenly from the Internet, magazines, and wherever else. Still, it's hard to come up with enough to fill an hour show every year. Naturally, I loved discussing all this, knowing it's no longer my problem.
The cleaners came in the morning and the place looks great. Other than those highlights, 'twas an ordinary day. I made baked chicken for dinner, finally using up the meat I had in the freezer, which I'll now replenish. Bought hamburger and will have "slumphie stew" tonight.


Dee's Blog said...

Alright Rosemary, you knew I would ask what is slumphie stew? I'm sure it is something good the name leaves a lot to be desired.LOL
Your Drama Club sound like fun, do you missing it?

Mimi said...

Dee--you're right, it's a silly name (and not too appetizing), but here's the story: When I was a little girl, I made up the word "slymphie" and would call people that if they did something naughty (or if I just didn't like it). When the kids were small, I made a pasta dish--just macaroni (I prefer elbow), browned hamburger, and Italian sauce. I thought it was unique with me, but of course, it's very common. When the children asked what it was, I said, "slymphie stew" and we've been calling it that ever since. Incidentally, it's a great side dish for parties as you can make it up, then keep it warm in the crockpot.
As for Drama Club, I miss it only slightly. It was a lot of fun, but because I was one of the directors and writers, it meant an enormous commitment in time and energy, not to mention creativity. I still see the players (they're all friends), so it isn't as if I have to miss that, either.

iloveac said...

Funny that the group said to keep the club going as long as the Directors stay....isn't it the Directors who do all the work? Kinda "as long as we don't have to do anything". That seems to be the way of so many activities...and I'm guilty to a degree.

I think my aunt made a dish like your 'slymphie stew' and my cousins still refer to it as 'slum gullion'. They love it. It probably has many names...not sure I ever had it.

Mimi said...

Pat, if you've ever had spaghetti and meatballs, you've had slymphie stew--or slum gullion--just in a different form.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...