Saturday, December 21, 2019

T.O.P.S. and "Mystic River"

At about a half hour before I had to meet Cheryl outside and go to T.O.P.S., I frantically looked on-line for a program topic and came across this:

 Defining Moment I’ve made up my mind. It’s time to do this.

Each number had its own little blurb, as above. I quickly printed out copies, took them to the meeting and distributed them to members (there were only six besides me). I then guided a discussion after I had each person read "her" number. I asked each to comment on her own experience, then others chimed in. Last minute though it was, it went over big, the group like it and it went over big. I gained a tad--two-tenths of a pound--to 131.8, but I expected more, so was okay with it.
I gave Cheryl a little present for picking me up every week when she dropped me off. Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, then took a load to the laundry, dusted and mopped the hard floors, and otherwise cleaned up for my birthday company today.
As a little extra gift, my daughter-in-law, Paula, had sent my daughters and me each a charming little "scent thing"--I can't remember what it's called. Anyway, I hopped the bus, went to town, and bought a little enamel teapot to simmer it in. Took another bus to the mall and went to Trader Joe's to pick up two bottles of the famous "Two Buck Chuck"--Charles Schwab wine, which now, however, costs two bucks and ninety-nine cents. I'm not going to offer them to my guests, though: I put a white and a red of the better wines I already had, in case anyone wants them.
Showered, washed my hair, and watched the rest of Mystic River. Aside from a slight interest in seeing Sean Penn and David Bacon when they 17 years younger, I found it badly written, over-acted, and depressing as hell.
Eighty-three years ago today, on December 21, 1936, a momentous event took place in Atlantic City, New, what WAS it ?  Can't seem to put my finger on it...


iloveac said...

Happy Natal day Rosemary. Have fun today and enjoy it all.

Mimi said...

Thank you, my friend, and thanks for the ecard. EIGHTY-THREE--COULD THIS BE ME?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...