Tuesday, December 31, 2019


I felt better yesterday--not up to par yet, but better. Stripped the bed and took the sheets and other laundry to wash. Put the new electric blanket on my bed and was pleased that, although it's a twin and the bed's a full, it covered fine--even has overlap.
Put a pound of raw black bans in the slow cooker, added the shredded onions I had in the freezer, plus seasonings. I simmered it all day and had that for dinner with broccoli and acorn squash. It was very good and, I understand, an excellent source of protein.
Finally, at long last, I got back to my play, Acquisitions. Added two characters and revised the first scene. This is going to take a while, but I'm determined to work on it daily.
I actually lay down on the couch and took a short nap, then got up and bused to the mall. Went back to Sears, but saw nothing I wanted. I actually just needed to walk a bit and did so, then went home. When I got in, Suzanne rang the bell to tell me she got a kick out of my Day-Quil post on FB. I was horrified when she told me she had a sore throat, but she insisted she got that from her brother's in San Diego (sure; the germs identify themselves).
We had a nice visit and as she left, Ellen called to see how I felt. Much better, I told her, and I hope to be all recovered in a day or two. I told her Jim Crowley had emailed me to say happy new year and that I wanted to have him, her, and Suzanne over for dinner. I'd like to have Greg, too, but he seems never to be available. We decided on Friday and I invited Jim via email.
Saw the rest of Downton Abbey, the movie (sob!), but can at least see the added bits of the actors and chatting, and so well. Slept well under my cozy new blanket.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...