Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas Stuff

Did a wash in the morning, then started in on getting my Christmas stuff out. I had it stored in two high cupboards and almost killed myself getting it, but I did.
Good grief, how could I have accumulated so much? I decorated here and there--it took me several hours and actually, looks pretty nice--but I have a lot more stuff for which I have no place. I want to donate the overage to Goodwill, but have to figure out a way to get it there. I want to do it now so somebody can enjoy it at Christmas.
After lunch, I rode to town. Dropped off a book at the library, then walked down to The Promenade, looped up to Main, and completed the circle to the library. I haven't done that for awhile and it was enjoyable. Idiot that I am, I stopped into The Coalition and bought some window cels that stick on the window: Santa and Ho, Ho, Ho. Okay, I just wrote I have too much Christmas stuff, but this I needed! Anyway, it'll look very cute once I put it up.
Also bought two packages of Christmas napkins. Since I did that, I HAD to invite Nancy and Carolyn for lunch next Wednesday. After all, I have to use the napkins, don't I?
Enjoyed part one of the sixth and final season of Downton Abbey last night.  I'm not sure how I'll survive last of it.

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