Sunday, December 22, 2019


Okay, birthday over.
Ellen came about 12:30 Carolyn and her family about 1:30, Steve and Dexter after that. They brought several kinds of rolls, lunch meat, salad, and so on, and we had a good lunch. El made a chocolate cake* and, with a good scoop of vanilla ice cream, it was so yummy. I asked El to invite Suzanne in and she came to have some ice cream and cake. Lots of nice present, lots of good talk. Older daughter called early from the Byrne gathering in Florida and Wes, Betty's oldest and his daughters made a video call from Chicago. Later, nephew Dave and the humongous group in Orlando in Orlando Skyped. That had been pre-arranged and Ellen and Caroline brought this laptop into the living room so we could all see and interact with them. After that, son Mike and family from Singapore made a video call and we all talked to them. Greg, who was working, called on the phone to wish us a happy birthday.
Nice presents, good cake, and they stayed until about 5:00, after which we all said goodbye--we'll see Betty and her family again around Christmas time. El stayed longer and did a lot of cleaning up, then  I kissed her goodbye and was glad to see another birthday over with.
It's just a given that I'm not happy to be 83, but generally speaking, I guess I'm luckier than most my age when it comes to physical and mental health.
* From scratch, of course. I can't imagine making somebody's birthday cake from a box. Might as well just buy it.

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