Saturday, July 15, 2017

T.O.P.S. and Photos

Walked Kimball, then it was off to T.O.P.S. at SCAN. I ran into Marty there and found he doesn't do tutorials on Smart Phones, which I have, but on IPhones and Pads, which are different, so I won't be attending his sessions. Actually, I'm moseying around the phone pretty well and think I can handle it.
At T.O.PS. I got the news that I had lost another 2.8 for a total of 27.8 pounds down. Of course, that was two weeks worth, but I'm satisfied. The meeting dragged on for quite a time, as usual, but we finished by 10:00 and it was home for breakfast. I took a load of wash out right after, then had lunch, then Suzanne stopped in. She asked if I'd like to go to a photo exhibit by her St. John's co-worker at 5:00 and I accepted with pleasure.
Shortly thereafter, Ellen came in order to bring me Greg's old DVD player, which she tried to hook up, but without success. The T.V., for some reason, couldn't "communicate" with the DVD player. I shrugged, as I'm indifferent to it, anyway. El also filled me in on what the attachments to my phone case are and hung a picture for me. She left, I changed, and Suzanne and I went to Panaro Brothers Winery for the photo show.
In truth, I think my son-in-law's pictures are more interesting, but I enjoyed seeing these (seascapes and animals) and especially, to meet Suzanne's colleagues. As I told her, I was taken aback to hear her addressed as "Sister," but of course, she is a nun--I keep forgetting that.
Anyway, it was great fun and the wine was good, too. We got home a bit after 7:00 and I got a message to the effect that son Mike had called, but my phone couldn't get international calls--damn, I didn't realize that. Anyway, I called him back on Skype and we talked, plus I saw my darling granddaughters--Violet, who just turned 9 and Vivian, soon to be 13 and what a beautiful almost-teenager she is. Their mum, Paula, is in Las Vegas, but will be returning home to Singapore soon.

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