Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Check List

I got up earlier than usual--a little after 5 am. Did the usual computer stuff, then left for Kimball. I was so early, I was home at 7:15. After breakfast, I made up a list of what I wanted to do and wrote it down. Got most of it done, to wit:
Got birthday card for Violet, gift to follow--check.
Stopped at bank for register booklets--check.
Called AT & T to end my landline "service." I was told they'd end it on July 5 and I squawked; she then said she'd back date it--check.
Went to the P.O. to send Violet's card--check.
Went to Marie Calender's to meet my widder group pals for lunch--check. There were only five of us this time, but it was good as ever; they're some of my favorite people. I told them about Jack's death and they reacted with quiet sympathy--check.
Ordered a cover and other accessories for my smart phone on-line--check.
Went to SCAN to sign up for a smart phone course with Marty--check (although he has no opening until the 18th).
Aside from all that, I took my usual museum to library walk. While in town, I found a large, covered picnic basket for six bucks (at The Coalition thrift store). It will be perfect to contain a number of my gardening supplies on the patio.
After dinner, I went up Foothills Road to a church where the Ventura Philatelic Society meets. I have several old stamps--six with Hitler's portrait on them--and wanted to see if they're worth anything.
They're not. However, I met and chatting with some people, including Sheree, who happens to be is the "head of the docents at Dudley House." She was thrilled to hear I had volunteered for being one and I'm sure I'll see more of her later.


iloveac said...

Course for Smart Phone. I sure could use one. I'm not sure they all operate the same. I got one on QVC called a ZTE; minutes are from TRACFONE. There are so many things on it that I can't use....not that I need them, I only use that phone for emergencies. Still, I'd like to know more about it.

Of course she was thrilled you volunteered to be a docent....you'll be perfect.

Happy 4th.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Patti. You know, I tried to respond to your comment on the new phone and just couldn't do it--I mean, I don't think it went through, but maybe. I can't wait to take that course!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...