Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Extended Family Time

What a very enjoyable day with extended family!
Walked Kimball, went to WinCo for cherries and spinach, then cleaned up a bit at home. Carolyn, Betty, Finn, and Claire came about 1:30 and we all went to the pool. I hardly ever go--it seems more trouble than it's worth--and I don't like to just sit there and bake. But with my company, this was great fun and they loved it. I brought a basket of cherries to the pool area, but Finn got hungry and I suggested he go back to my place, look in the fridge and cabinet, and get whatever he wanted to eat. He did, then came back later.
We stayed about two hours, I guess, came back and had some soda and good talk, then the younger three left. El called and we made a date for Betty and me to go to Ojai at noon to see her house. Betty and I chatted a bit, then went to the widder group dinner. We saw and talked to my friends, all of whom I'm so fond, but Nancy didn't show. She had intended to come and I'll call her to see if she's okay.
As ever, we had a good time with this group. Betty had been with me at a dinner before and many remember her. Didn't get home until after 8:00 and we just watched TV (me) and played IPad games (Betty). Turned it at 9:00.
I had thought Betty would be here for more than a week, but she's actually leaving to go back to the east coast on Saturday. After Ellen's, I'll take her to the train station for her to go back to Carolyn's and from there, to Stephen's and L.A.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...