Thursday, July 27, 2017

Around Ojai and Meditation Mountain

This damn machine broke down again! I re-booted and so on, but no luck. Went out and walked Kimball and when I got back, I was able to get in, but ouch!
Anyway, we had a high time yesterday--figuratively and literally. First, I met Carole at 9:00 am at the mall. We both got these vouchers that the country promotes--meaning 24 bucks worth we can "spend" at the farmers market at the mall. This is NOT a low-income benefit, but simply for seniors--as a reward, I guess, for living so long.
Anyway, Carole and I loaded up with all kinds of produce (exactly what I eat most of). Some, I never even heard of: lemon cucumbers, for instance, and Japanese tomatoes. They were wonderful.
Just as we were leaving, El called and suggested I come over, which I did, directly from there. We gathered, then went to the Kristimundi Center, a spiritual retreat place up in the hills. We wandered the garden and talked for a long time with the overseer, Carol Wade, who tends to the plants. She's very knowledgeable about their medicinal uses. I've been there before and like the philosophy espoused.
From there, back to El's for a sketchy lunch, to which I contributed some of my veggies. From there, we went to Bart's Books, famous in this area, and stayed reading for a bit, plus buying a few books. We then drove to one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen in my life, Meditation Mountain. The views here are just spectacular and we were there for about two hours. There's a meditation building, a small store, and areas where people can sit and just--well, meditate, I guess. We walked out to the "viewpoint" and I just gasped at the magnificent panorama. My companions sat, then lay down on the grass, while I sat on a bench nearby. I had picked up a lovely paper parasol, which are put there for people to use, then return, free of charge.
Anyway, it was wonderful. We left as the sun was setting and I decided not to join them for dinner this time--don't like to drive in the dark and I hadn't brought any overnight stuff. Went home, took a lovely shower, ate my lovely fruit, then had a lovely sleep.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...