Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Widder Lunch

Got up earlier than usual and was at Kimball Park for my walk at 7:00 am. After breakfast, I finished up the box I had prepared for the beautiful and unique cards made by my daughter-in-law over the years. Showered and dressed for the widder lunch at Marie Calender's, but stopped first for a manicure. I wanted a spring-y color, but what I picked is the exact shade of Fleer's Double Bubble gum! Oh, well, I think it's kind of cute, in a teeny-bopper way.
There were seven of us at lunch, including my pal, Nancy. Vera couldn't come, as she was caring for her daughter in high school who, horribly enough, had an accident with the electric saw in shop class and cut off all or part of a finger--I didn't get the whole story yet. Of course, I took my tangerines, rather than order off the menu, and enjoyed my glass of Chardonnay. We had a fine time, as ever, and Nancy and I made a date to go to the movies on Friday. I understand that Yolanda's, where we used to meet and is being renovated, will be finished soon. We may switch our gatherings back to there or alternate. I don't really care one way or the other, but will go to either.
When I got home, I packed up the 37 vinyl records Ellen had left in my care and went to Grady's Record Shop. Had to wait around for a a half-hour while he examined them, but he offered me a price for them and I took it. Will give the dough to El, of course.
Went from there to town and stopped in my usual. Picked up a table mirror with silver trim. Should go well in my bedroom, either on the table or bureau. Had the swordfish for dinner and it was delish.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

In VB I couldn't find anyone who would buy our vinyl albums. Rich had some from long ago, but no one would take them. You lucked out and good for you and Ellen.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...