Thursday, June 29, 2017

Same Old, Tame Old

Walked Kimball. Did a bunch of computer stuff. Wrote out my diet regimen for Dr. J. and dropped it off at the office. There I found Doris and we caught up. We haven't gotten together for too long and I want to remedy that.
Went to see Amanda at Cricket and I think I'm going to finally move into the twenty-first century and get a smart phone. They have a promotion going and cutting out the landline and the Tracphone will actually save me money, anyway. I have to decide by tomorrow, though, to get the promotion.
Went to Sprouts for blueberries and fresh tuna. Drove to town and did the museum to library walk. While there, I dropped into Goodwill and saw a very attractive, wooden jewelry armoire for only fifty-five bucks. It was just what I wanted, so after I went to the library, I got the car into position and put the back seat down. I figured that, once one of the workers put it in, I could take out the drawers to lighten it to get into my apartment. Happily, I went back for it and--
--it was gone! Darn it, somebody had snapped it up, I guess. Oh, well, I'm looking on line for something similar, although most seem to be either mundane or ridiculously expensive.
Talked to El, who said the guy was still there installing the flooring in the master. I'll go over on Saturday.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...