Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Walked Kimball and for a change, I kept track of the time. I started out at 7:16 and finished at 7:47, so it took me 31 minutes to walk a mile and a half. Not bad, but maybe I can lessen my time somewhat.
Ellen called to ask if I could come to her place at 12:15, so I had an early (for me) lunch and got there then. She had already loaded her car with her large plants in planters, and we did the same with mine. I followed her over to the new house; Greg was already there.
Boy, I like this place. It's "quirky," yes (as El says), but it's a fun and attractive quirky. Of course, the kitchen and both bathrooms are newly done, as is the paint and some of the flooring. It was a gorgeous sunny day and Ojai can get very hot, but the central air made it perfectly comfortable. The house also has ceiling fans in many of the rooms, always a good thing. It's in a nice neighborhood and has some large outdoor spaces, including a kind of extra enclosed patio off the master bedroom.
We did this and that tidying up; of course, there was no furniture there, yet--that will come today. We left about 3:45 and I followed El out as far as Main Street in town. Parked at the museum and walked a bit, but not to the library. At this point, I didn't feel like it, so got home about 4:30. El called to see if Greg could bring over some trash they couldn't fit in their cans--sure, and he did.
Had swai, spinach, and cauliflower for dinner--very tasty.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...