Monday, June 26, 2017

Car Gone

When I opened the door to get the paper, I was charmed to see a cup with six little cherry tomatoes in it. I knew they were from Suzanne and, before I left for my walk at Kimball, I put a note on her door. Walked, then did my usual Sunday thing. As I was working on the crossword puzzle, Suzanne rang my bell and we made arrangements for her to take me to Rob's at 7:00 last night. She did and I left my car there; Suzanne will take me back to get it today after she gets out of work.
Went to Wal-Mart for a trowel--I actually bought two, one a light plastic, the other larger, heavier, and made of steel. Today, since I'll be sans car, I intend to finally get my patio garden in shape--then maybe take a dip in the pool.
Took a drive to the beach, but there were already lots of cars there, so I stopped at the Olivas Adobe House historic site. Ellen and I toured the place years ago before I dreamed of moving here and I'm thinking about volunteering to be a docent there. I'm not sure if I want to or if I want to do the same at Dudley House. Anyway, I walked around, went into rooms, and so on and fell into conversation with a woman who worked there. It turns out she lived in N.J.--Maple Shade; it seems as if everyone in Ventura lived in Jersey at one time or another.
I wanted to get my second mile and a half in, so drove to town and did the usual. I ran into Marie M., who said she was going to the Greek Festival in Camarillo. My friend, Sherry, had asked if I wanted to go, but with the lavender one on Saturday, I'm all festivaled out. Had to wait for the library to open, as I got there a bit before one. Picked up an audio book for the car and walked back.
El called and while we were talking, Nancy called on the cell. Called her back and we had a long chat. She said her son, Richard, had bought a "pontoon boat" and she invited me to come with them in a few weeks to celebrate her birthday. That sounds like great fun and I immediately accepted.

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