Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Looking Up

Well, things are looking up. I'm meeting Janel, the business manager at my apartment complex, this morning and she's going to show me some apartments more in keeping with what I need. Okay, that's progress, but of course, lots have to be done before this all comes to fruition.
The major program has been the steps leading (down) to my supposed-to-be-first-floor apartment. Another was the fact that all my windows aside from the one over the kitchen sink, face the pool, which is only a few yards away. Noisy. I also disliked the fact that the eating area is carpeted--the kitchen is too small to eat in, so for every meal, you have to essentially walk into the living room--on white carpeting.
I told Janel I need a one-bedroom, one-bath, rather than the two I have now. The two and two is several hundred a month more and all I use the guest room for is the computer and storage. As for the guest bath, aside from Ellen and Carolyn, nobody's ever gone into it because I ain't had no guests.
Took a load of stuff to the thrift store to donate and there will be lots more--some of the multitude of things I should have left in Jersey. I'm also anxious to get in touch with some consignment shops, as I'd like to sell the better stuff. I'll look into flea market, too.
Talked to the head librarian and asked her to get the book about Ma Duncan. She agreed immediately and we chatted happily. Stopped here and there after and somehow managed to stay out until after 4:00, when I went to WinCo for supplies and to Kohl's for a new pocketbook.
I'm psyched about looking at another apartment, but don't want to get my hopes up too high at this point.

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