Saturday, October 03, 2015

Good Day Turned Bad

It started out to be a good day; finally got several things done I've been wanting to, which included:

1. Got the car washed;
2. Got my hair trimmed;
3. Bought a new purse;
4. Got my nails manicured;

Left the manicure place about 4:00. Stopped and got my mail--hey, what's this? A letter from the Ventura Police Department--gulp!
It's a citation saying I failed to stop at a red light when turning right at the intersection of Mills and Telegraphs Road on September 23, at 6:33 pm.
Aagh! Boy, am I upset over this. I hope it doesn't send my insurance soaring. Also, I haven't yet gotten a California license. I hope, hope, hope that doesn't make it worse.
Early on, talked to Betty, but so far, the big storm didn't seem to be much. Got an e-mail from Jeanne Dollard Painter and responded.
Other than that, I'm just brooding over the citation.

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