Monday, October 05, 2015

Bright, Though Raining

Things are much brighter, even though it rained all day. It's desperately needed here, of course, but I'm not going to pretend I was thrilled about it, because I so dislike the clouds and gloom.
But no matter: My girl picked me up at 11:00, read the citation, said she had gotten one a few years ago, had appealed it and won. I intend to do the same, so the hell with it, I put it behind me.
We stopped at Macy's first, as El was looking for a raincoat in consideration of what was coming out of the sky. Didn't find one, but she had seen some on-line and has a fair amount on Macy gift cards, so will order from there.
We then drove the 45 minutes or so to Santa Barbara to Greg's mother's place. She plans to move before too long to a house that's being renovated. She's had her present home, a large condo, repainted and carpeted, and has added some new furniture. Gee, the place looks wonderful. Walls are sort of a linen color and the carpets in the bedrooms are pearl gray. The living room, dining room, hall, and kitchen have wood floors, mahogany or something and quite elegant. As for the views--gorgeous, especially out the huge bedroom windows. You see quintessentially California vistas of tiled roofs, palm trees, bougainvillea, swimming pools, and in the distance, the glorious Pacific.
We went to Harry's Plaza Cafe--I've been there before--and had an enjoyable lunch and good talk. Stopped in to Rory's after and visited for a bit.
Got home about 4:30, changed, and actually put on slacks and a long-sleeved shirt--it's gotten much cooler. Betty called at 7:45 my time, so an outrageous almost 11:000 hers, and we chatted happily. Finished my Sunday crossword puzzle, fooled around on the computer, poured my wine, watched my telly (Places Unknown or something, with Anthony Bourdain or somebody), and turned in. I actually wore a flannel nightie and put an extra blanket on the bed and, happy day, slept like the dead.
Wait, let me rephrase that: slept like a log--hurrah!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...