Saturday, October 17, 2015

City Hall and a Rejection

I had asked the secretary at Cypress Place to give Marion my phone number and ask her to call me. She did and we had a good talk; also made a date for lunch next Friday. I'll pick her up and take her to the Macaroni Grill near me. I've eaten there before and think she'll enjoy it.
Filled out the overseas Halloween cards, along with mail for Mike and Paula and took them to the P.O. Incidentally, I find it annoying in the extreme that they don't seem to print the value on stamps anymore. They have an enormous variety, all show biz or cutesy-poo; I just want to know how many 45-cent ones (that's how much it costs to send a postcard nowadays) to put on an envelope for Singapore.
Got an e-mail from my tenant, Eileen, asking about changing the furnace filter and turning off the sprinkler system for the winter. Glad she remembered, because I didn't. I called Bill G. and Bob S., who have performed those services for me (and others) for years and they'll get on the case.
Betty called, alarmed about the news about mudslides and stuff in southern California. There's no danger of that around here at all--I wish she'd quite watching what passes for news on television. However, we had a nice talk about other things.
Ellen called from school, asking if I wanted to go to the "Haunted City Hall" event at 8:00. Wow, late for me to just start out then, but it looked like fun and I said sure. We got there, along with about 30 others and were treated to a "ghost tour" for two hours. I'm not big on the paranormal, but the place is so incredibly beautiful, it was a treat to see it. There's a sweeping, gold-bannistered double staircase, marble floors and walls, ornate chandeliers that originally could alternate between gas and electricity, ceiling domes of stained glass, oak doors and woodwork, and other beauties of its era. Built in 1910, it's guarded over by a towering statue of Junipero Serra, and some of the most majestic palm trees I've ever seen.
Anyway, it was great fun, if strenuous (up and down that staircase and standing on those rigid marble floors did a number--but temporary--on my knees), and we both enjoyed it. Didn't get to bed until 11:30, but that's okay once in a while.
Got an e-mail from the management company about my request to shorten my lease. It was rejected. Now I have to decide my next move--or non-move.

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...