Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Rain, Lunch, and So On

The rain, the rain, the never-ending rain--it's driving me mad! Mad, I tell you...!
It rained all day, but I managed to have a pretty good one, anyway. Met Betty for lunch to celebrate our mutual birthday, although it's weeks ahead.  She's leaving for Florida on the tenth, will be home four days, then is going to Chicago for Christmas, and California after that.  I'll be gone part of that time, too.
Anyway, drove my new car to Italian Gourmet--not one of my favorite spots, but it has the virtue of being about equidistant for us. Besides, it doesn't have a t.v. in the dining room, which would be a point in its favor even with lousy food.  Had a congenial lunch, showed Betty my car, then took off.
Aline called to ask if I wanted to go to dinner tonight, then see a musical program at the library; sounds good.  She's working until 5:00 at the same library, of course.  I'll pick her up, we'll eat at the Mystic Island Casino, then go back for the program.
My friend came after work to pick up the title for my old car and do a few little chores for me, too.  I had complained that the radio system didn't seem to work in my car, and she showed me how to get audio books on my tablet.  It never even entered my head that was an option, but I enjoyed U is for Undertow while I prepared dinner...
...which was spaghetti and meatballs with sauce.  Pretty good and I have enough left for lunch today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...