Saturday, December 27, 2014

Last Day

We arrived at niece Carolyn's in the early afternoon and greatly enjoyed seeing her family again.  We were even happier to see nephew Steve, his Robyn, and their 7-year-old Dexter.  Dex and his teenaged cousin, Finn, are deep into Minecraft, as is my granddaughter, Violet.  Little sister Claire, 8, got a pair of roller-derby worthy skates and her Dad, Dana, took her out for a spin.
After a glass of wine and a yummy truffle made by Dana, we left for lunch at a trendy, fresh-foods restaurant, then went to Greg's home.  We visited with his mother, and met his brother, who's an oncologist at the Mayo Clinic, and family (wife, three boys).  We had a nice chat--they're very pleasant and friendly--then said goodbye.
Stopped at a few stores, then El ordered and picked up Thai for dinner.  We watched a bit of what passes for news, so directed ("that guy, Putin" said one of the moronic "commentators") and filled with schmaltzy, feel-good, meaningless crap (baby delivered by cops on subway), I wonder how those who watch regularly can react rationally.  (Answer: They can't and it's meant to be that way.)
I'm just waiting for Ellen to get up and shortly after, we'll leave for the airport.   This is my last day here and it's been my best vacation ever.  I wish I had a few more days--or weeks--to stay.  However, I'm glad I had a chance to scout out the housing market on-site, so to speak.  I'm still determined to move here, but it may be more of a stretch than I had hoped.  I'm confident, though, that I'll get here, and will work toward that goal as much as I can.     

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...