Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas, 2014

Had a lovely Christmas day.  We slept late, had a leisurely breakfast, then opened our presents.  Left for Ojai about noon, so I could check out a possible dwelling.  Hmm...maybe.  Got Christmas calls from Betty, Frank, and my friend and we pleased I was able to hear fine on my new phone.
Went back to the J. Krishnamurti Center, where we spent several hours roaming the high, green, and so serene hilltop.  I learned a lot more about K.'s life and teachings, and continue to be intrigued.
We stopped at a Vons before getting home, as Greg wanted to make a few appetizers and sides for our Christmas dinner.
I had downloaded a de-clutter book onto my new Kindle; interestingly, it's written by a Japanese de-clutter professional. It puts a new perspective on "tidying" one's life--getting rid of stuff--and I believe it's already gotten me in the mood to do so.
In my favorite mode, I did nothing except drink a glass of Chardonnay and play on the computer while the two cooks made, served, and cleaned up a superb dinner with salmon as the main dish.    
After, we put on two episodes of the British comedy Vicious, which E. had given G.  I'm not always attuned to what our English cousins think is funny (sat stony-faced at the only Keeping Up Appearances I ever saw), but this is hilarious.  It's kind of an ensemble piece featuring two gay men, one a vainglorious actor.  They have dotty friends and a long tradition of sniping and back-biting. They're vicious, all right, but still hanging in there as a couple.
We said goodbye to Greg, then E. and I watched a DVD she had rented.  It was a comedy show staged in Montreal about ten years ago and, except for Jim Gaffigan, whom we saw the other night, very dated and not very funny.  No matter; we enjoyed it to a point, then I went to bed after a happy day with my girl and her guy.
Now here I am, at the start of my last day here.  How I hate to leave, but I hope my reluctance--and my Kindle book--will spur me on to get rid of my stuff and get serious about selling the house.

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