Tuesday, December 30, 2014

License and So On

Went to the p.o. to get my mounds of held mail and spent most of the morning plowing through it.
My temporary car license had expired on Sunday, so I called car man, Chuck, and found that he had the new plates  Drove the 35 miles up there, gave him a hundred smackers, and he at least put them on for me.  Stopped at my friend's house--soon to be, we fervently hope, her former house--where she was cleaning in preparation for settlement.
It was eerie and sad to see the empty rooms, once so full of life and excitement, especially when my grandson and his gang were there. Friend had brought her lunch and I went down to Wawa for a Caesar salad; ate together, then I left.  I feel a little guilty about not staying to help, but I managed to overcome that, as it was freezing cold in there.
Meandered home, stopping at Acme for hamburger, onions, and mushrooms.  Stir-fried that for dinner, tidied up a bit, and that was my second back-home-in-the-east day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...