Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saga of "The Christmas Tour That Wasn't":
Walked down to Barb's at 11:30 and she, her sister, Pat, Lois V., and I headed out to our annual Christmas House Tour in Tuckerton. Had a delightful lunch (quiche, Caesar salad, and a pot o' tea for me) at The Laughing Gull in the Emporium. Went next door to the Tuckerton Seaport to buy our tickets for the tour.
Only there wasn't any. This had been in the paper, for cryin' out loud, but somehow it was a mistake, as they weren't having it this year. No explanation and the volunteer at the Seaport said "a lot of people were disappointed." It's hard to believe the paper would just print something from last year, but that seems to be the story.
We were disappointed, but oh, well. Looked at the wares in the Seaport and went back to the Emporium to do the same. Home and was finally able to clear the dining room table--good thing, as I'm having the R.s and the D.'s over for dinner tonight. Haven't done anything to prepare for that yet, so must get to the supermarket, clean the house, and cook today.
No prob.
WIDER: I've "subscribed" to The Casey Report (via e-mail) for a few months; can't remember how I came upon it. I think the slant is Libertarian, which is not my political persuasion, but is a lot closer than the dem and repub ideals. Today, the book They Thought They Were Free is quoted at length and, hoo boy, does it ring a bell. If not an exact parallel--the rise of Fascism in Germany and the present road to perdition on which the U.S. is set--it sure comes close. (I had gotten this book from the library a year ago and was pleased to see it quoted today.)

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