Sunday, December 25, 2011

I feel a lot better, although still not up to par. Ellen was so good--I couldn't eat, but she gave me anything I needed otherwise. She also made the stuffing for the 20 or so pound turkey M. and P. bought. Naturally, it's not from a box, in fact, she didn't even use the cubed bread you can buy. She bought a big loaf of white bread and tore it, just a my mother used to do.
The others didn't get get until late in the day. They made dinner, but I stayed in bed. Didn't eat anything all day except three crackers and tea. I don't even feel hungry now, but will try to eat later.
P. called about 8:30, not realizing I was sick, but I was glad he did. He said Natsue was at her parents giving Rollie, the lab, a shampoo. They're going to a concert today.
It's Christmas and I'm glad to have my family around me.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...