Monday, December 19, 2011

Good fun yesterday. Early on, we got a web cam call from P. and N. and all chatted with them. After breakfast, went to the cemetery, then to tour Lucy The Elephant in Margate, then to take a quick look at my childhood home(s) in Ventnor. Lunched on luscious subs at Sacco's in same, then walked two blocks over to buy candy at Jageisky's, which makes the best candy in the universe. On the way home, we stopped in New Gretna where, after much discussion, we chose a big and remarkably beautiful tree which now graces my living room.
When we got in about 2:00, the northern couple were waiting. We all trimmed the tree and had a good time doing it, especially the two little ones. Couple left to meet up with their gang for dinner, and I made ours of "slymphie stew" (pasta, hamburger, sauce; green salad; crystal pickles; crusty bread.) Got a call just before from Ellen, who Skyped us later and we were all glad to hear she's feeling better. We then we hung out until bedtime, which came early for all of us, as we had had such a full day.
Paula made breakfast, we all ate, then I called my theatre company friend, Lucille, and we made a date to bring our two girls over on Friday. Mike and Paula just went out to Michael's in Manahawkin; Vickie and I will take Vivian and Violet to the library and the Seaport, then out to lunch.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...