Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mike and Paula went shopping while Vicky and I took the kiddies to the library. We we looked at books, did jigsaw puzzles, and played on the computer. V. One took out four books on my card. Then went to the Seaport; girls had a good time dressing up as pirates, and other stuff. (Boy, it's pretty bad when I have to resort to "other stuff.") We went next door to ScoJoe's for lunch--was good.
Got home about 2:30 and M. and P. weren't home yet, so we walked to the clubhouse. Showed the girls the pretty decorations and the exercise room, where both walked on the treadmill, V. Two with help.
Got in, hung out, the others came back, went out to see Christmas lights, had dinner, and another full day came to a close. Before that, though, Ellen called--yippee!--on their way back from the airport. She'll be down today and asked me to make a hairdresser's appointment for today or tomorrow. Was told the boys might come down, too.
One more day before I mark three quarters of a century. Am I okay with that? Hell, no.
WIDER: A very, very provocative essay:
This clarified a lot for me. The first few lines are especially apropos.

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