Friday, November 11, 2011

Well, mysterious Mark Casem is at it again (see entry and comment on yesterday's blog). Geez, Comcast is so touchy about criticism, I'm getting the idea I hurt their feelings. After all, the Supreme Court, in its infinite wisdom, has decreed that corporations are people, haven't they? Well, maybe good ol' Mark will lower my rate; will write or call him today.
Was pleased to get an e-mail from friend, Jeanne P., another friend from "up north."
Spent the entire morning first at Bank of America to close out my safety deposit box, then at Ocean First to get one there and open another account. Next week, I'll complete transferring my vast store of cast to OF, a community bank.
Naomi arrived for lunch at 1:00 and we had an pleasant afternoon. N. is vegan, so I made a big salad with just the basics--lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, onions, mushrooms--in it, then put out bowls of feta and sliced egg, which I added to my own. She had only salad with oil and vinegar, which seemed a pretty slim meal, but she insisted she was satisfied.
After, we sat and talked for several hours. Naomi's had an interesting and not entirely placid past, but now she and Wayne seem to be doing fine. They bought a place in Naples, Florida and will spend winters there. (I always had a hankering to do that myself.) She left about 4:00, I cleaned up, and then jumped in the car and drove to Shop-Rite. I just had a hankerin' as we pineys say, and got myself a rotisserie chicken and some fat-free milk. Had it for dinner, putting the milk on shredded wheat, one of the few cereals that isn't loaded with sugar.
Today, I must complete preparations for selling at Columbus. Hey, maybe I'll make enough to buy that winter place down south!
WIDER: This is from, in an essay called "What It Really Means To Support The Troops," by Joel Poindexter:
Many suggest they are not supporting the wars, only the troops. This is patently wrong. Anyone who glorifies "their sacrifice," necessarily supports the wars these soldiers are fighting in. Likewise, to espouse the false claim that these men and women are "defending freedom" is to endorse current U.S. foreign policy, including the wars.
NOTE: I am not a Libertarian. However, when it comes to pacifism, members of that persuasion continue to be some of the few Americans who have the moral fortitude to stand up against imperialism, in particular when it comes to aggression. I admire them mightily for that.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...