Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Enjoyable day--and a wonderfully warm and sunny one, too. Called Betty early to tell her Walt F., an old St. Jamesian, had died. She was working, but suggested we meet for lunch. Hey, yeah, let's. Before I left, I finally sent off the D.'s profile for Rosie to check for errors.
Met Betty at TGI Friday's next to Boscov's and we had a ball, as ever. After, we went into Boscov's and looked at a few things, but didn't buy. She had paperwork to do at home, so we parted. I went across Tilton Road to the 69-cent store and got a few things. Stopped at the cemetery on the way home to water. The Mexican heather is starting to go to seed--think I'll pull it next time I'm there--but the mums are holding up pretty well.
Got home and realized it was election day. I'm resolved never to vote again for the criminals and mass murderers who run for national office, but this is local. Went to the clubhouse (it was dinnertime and only those working the polls were there), signed in, and--was challenged! The woman at the desk thought my signature--which is, I freely admit, unreadable--suspicious and asked for identification. I had to go out to the car to get my license. Annoying, but actually pretty funny. Geez, did she think I was a spy or something? Oh, wait, I forgot, "spy" is old-hat, so let me re-cast that: Did she think I was a terrorist out to falsify my eligibility and promote my chosen candidate for local dog catcher? No matter; it was an amusing incident.
Got home to find a phone message from Rosie to tell me she and Spanky loved the article. I called her back and we had a nice chat. Later, Pat L. called and we did the same.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...