Monday, November 21, 2011

I thought I'd be spending the day on my secret project (which can't be revealed until next week), but no: I got a call about 1:00 from Susan, asking if I'd like to take a break. And do what? Come over for a martini or wine.
I knew she and Walter were having an early Thanksgiving, as her daughter, Julie, is a caterer and wouldn't be available on Thursday. Also knew she was having several other people, but that her sister and niece couldn't come, thanks to a stomach flu.
So naturally, being so busy, I declined with thanks--.
Yeah, sure. I dropped what I'm working on, which is spread out all over the dining room and kitchen, and hustled across the street.
I not only had a delectable martini and appetizers, but I was persuaded--didn't take much--to stay for dinner and had a ball. I talked a lot with Joanne M., Susan's first husband's, Chuck's, second wife, who was married to Chuck twice as long as Susan was. (Chuck died six or seven years ago.) Joanne lives in the little town of Marmora and works for her local Catholic church. The priest there is Indian and has established a home for teenagers in India, in which Joanne is involved. She's been there and, as I've always wanted to go to India, we because instant friends.
Anyway, it was a nice late afternoon dinner. I left about 4:00, decided to leave my project--which is consuming all my time, attention, and practically my life--and finish today. I'd better, as I have to buy the ingredients for, then make, two pies, a birthday cake, and apple-cranberry relish from scratch.
Oh, hell, plenty of time; we're not leaving until day after tomorrow.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...