Thursday, November 11, 2010

An ominous note: I again skipped the three-mile exercise. Will get back on the straight and narrow tomorrow, easing in with the two-mile. I do have a kind of excuse in that I told Mary Ann Van O. I'd pick her up at 10:15--that would have been cutting it close. Instead, we were able to go earlier. Drove to Santori's and we each got a lot of veggies. She had been putting things in her cart that she wanted to make for Thanksgiving, but I told her I thought it was too early to buy for that. We made a date for Friday, the nineteenth, when we'll hit the Atlantic County spots I told her about: Besides Santori's, the jewelery place, then lunch at Shore Diner.
Got my oil changed at 1:00, then stopped at the library and got two DVDs: 2012 and Deception. Watched about three quarters of the first and guess I'll finish it tonight. It's okay--I like special effects--but predictable, of course. The main characters are all surviving so far, after absolutely impossible hair-breathe escapes from this, that, and the other thing (a favorite express in my youth), but it's beginning to seem all special effects and no story.
Today, I'm finally meeting Marilyn for lunch at SeaOaks. It was several months ago that we had a lunch date, postponed for the saddest of reasons: She had found Sam dead at home. So anxious to see her.
WIDER: "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for
people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." -- Noam Chomsky
i have to keep remembering that.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...