Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Finally got back to exercise (the two-mile) at the clubhouse and felt good after. Changed the bed, did wash, and showered, then drove over to interview Amy and Conrad Z. They're a typical couple for this area: married since time began, dozens of kids, and Roman Catholics of the old-fashioned stripe. I am completely familiar with

I was interrupted by a welcome Skype call from P. and N. P. walked me through the steps to transferring pictures from Kodak to Picasa. We were on until 7:00 when I had to stop at Susan's for our walk. Am back now and will resume:

...such couples, salt of the earth types who seem to hearken* back to my girlhood in 1899: she a daily communicant, he in the Knights of Columbus, and both of them active in the diocesan "Respect For Life" organization. (With some difficulty, I restrained myself from asking if the tenets of that group include condemnation of U.S. military aggression--I already know the answer.)
Got home, had lunch, and drove to Manahawkin to pick up a few things. Today, will go with Mary Ann Van O. to Produce Junction, then lunch, my favorite activity, I'm afraid.
*Now, damn it, why should it be spelled that way? I had written "harken" first--a form of "hark," right?--and was corrected by SpellCheck. Stupid, it seems to me; whaddya do, pronounce it "hear-ken?" (Mumble, mumble, mumble...)
Note: I'm pleased to be back in touch with J., a young woman for whom I care. Something was brought to my attention, I made amends, and we're now back on friendly terms; I'm very glad about that.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...