Monday, November 29, 2010

Completed a bunch of errands in the big city (Manahawkin). The stores were fairly crowded, but seemed less so than other years (that's a really scientific observation). Too bad for the blood sucking corporations, but fine by me. More or less just hung out otherwise. Am re-reading Columbine, a spell-binding account of the high school massacres, now more than eleven years ago.
Was surprised to get a web cam call from sister Betty. I thought she was already in California, but plans may have changed; she may be coming back to Jersey soon after all. It was fun to see my nephew and little great-nieces, too.
I want to get back to the straight and narrow*, so will attend exercise today. Later, will interview Amy and Conrad Z. for The Breeze; we have an early deadline.
As ever, enjoyed seeing Ellen on her Sunday "call Mom" Skype call. I'm thrilled she'll be here on the twentieth, the day before my birthday.
Mary Ann called to accept my invitation to accompany me to Atlantic County tomorrow. We'll go to Produce Junction and a few other places, then--the real reason for the trip, I'm afraid--have lunch! Yahoo!
*Wonder from whence that expression came. Must look it up.
WIDER: This from my pro-peace cyber-friend, Jonathan Versen, after I asked desparingly if there wasn't a great outcry and outrage about the pushing back of war's end:
"I'm convinced there's plenty of outrage out there, but one of the primary functions of the media is to convince you that it's just you, that you're unreasonable to be upset. Look around you: don't you see how not-upset everybody else is? There! Now don't you feel like an idiot to be so fussy?
It's. Just. You.
So shut up and buy stuff."
Jon added this link:
An inspired observation, as I informed him. And now I'll look into that "class struggle" place.


cemmcs said...

It's not just you.

Mimi said...

I have to keep remembering that, cemmcs. Sometimes I think it's just me, you, Jon, Rob, and a scant dozen others--but no, I must believe the resistance lives...


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...