Monday, September 29, 2008

Whole bunch of nothin' going on again yesterday. High points were calls from both darling daughters in the evening. Got a message from old friend and former colleague, Charles K. We'll try to arrange lunch with Riderite Dave P. one of these days.
Read a bunch of blogs--still can't believe we're witnessing a possible repetition of the last eight years.
My fellow blogger, Jim W., commented here a few days ago with the Yeats poem that's constantly cited to support this or that viewpoint, some opposing. The lines that resonate today:
"The best lack all conviction/While the worst are full of passionate intensity...." Of course, that could apply to almost any situation, political or otherwise.
But what rough beast slouches toward Washington to be elected? Geez, I hope it isn't the doubled-headed Monster McPalin.
Note: One of the many blogs I read-- a truly horrifying, but completely convincing, treatise on our new military police state. It contains some quotes from an official army instructional booklet that are enough to make you gasp. The entries are long and well-documented, but well worth your time; see the first two, in particular.

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