Saturday, September 27, 2008

After Santori's with Leslie in the morning (and stocking up on practically every item in the vegetable kingdom), didn't do a hell of a lot yesterday. Saw the beginning of the "debate," but since I can't stay up much past 9:00, not much. It's one of those show biz things, anyway, just as the conventions are. I want to read about the candidates and their views, not watch them all prettified, coached, and lacquered up (or liquored up, who knows?).
Well, damn, I copied and wanted to paste in here a comment on one of the blogs I read, The Daily Kos. It concerns the "bailout" (gang rape of the American taxpayer, that is) and clearly expressed my own feelings and beliefs. Unfortunately, I can't seem to transfer it from the draft to this entry, so it appears as a separate Friday one below.
I'm an ignoramus with these machines!
Later: Just back from Weight Watchers. Was surprised, but not overly concerned, that I've gained 2.4 pounds, so I'm at 129.6 with an even 70 pounds off. Will correct by next week, I'm sure.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...