Thursday, September 11, 2008

Went to the podiatrist, who told me my toe problem (callous on the side of my second toe) was caused by an arthritic joint from the big toe rubbing against it. She pared a little off and gave me a device to lift the offending part away. If it still bothers me, I'll have to have minor surgery.
Aagh! When it comes to body parts, there's nothing so disgusting as feet, it seems to me, so the hell with all this. The only thing I'm concerned about is being able to walk and hike regularly.
Nothing new on the diet/fitness side, so I'll add a political note: If Palin and all her many apologists think her daughter's pregnancy is "personal" and "private," how is it she doesn't believe other women's should be personal and private? They made the choice to keep the baby, but she doesn't extend "choice" to anybody else.
Second political note: Why such vehemence in conservative quarters opposing abortion, but avid acceptance (even enthusiasm, judging from what seems to be the routine linking of religion and militarism) for killing children already born?
Guess they don't count, being in other countries and dark-skinned and all.


iloveac said...

I believe the anti abortionists believe they don't want government funds used to kill an
embryo which they believe is a human life. Others may not believe the same thing. Anti abortionists don't want their taxes used to kill embryos.

Pro life is an inadequate term for the reason you describe. The only part they are against is abortion.....war is punishment is OK ...letting people die slowly because of inadequate access to health care is OK. How they can call themselves Pro life is confusing to me.
It is argued a pregnant woman is pregnant with another human is separate from her and uses her womb for nourishment til it can survive outside the womb, therefore she has no 'right' to destroy it any more than she has the right to destroy it on Day one outside of the womb. Yet some people are of the belief that the 'life' is not fully human til it is outside of the womb.

The thing that always gets me is the argument that abortion should not be used 'on demand'. Why not? If it's OK to abort, why not abort when I choose?

It is not 'personal and private' to kill an embryo when you accept the embryo is a human life separate from the mother except for nutrition. That embryo must be protected.
In contrast, embryonic stem cell research makes so much sense to me...i.e. the ones left over after fertility treatments...yet I guess I fall into the category of 'destroying human life' with that belief. There are no fast and easy answers and I wish both sides of this campaign would get off 'Reproductive Rights' and talk about the Economy, Getting out of Iraq, etc. Continuing to talk about 'lipstick on a pig' is just pitiful.

Mimi said...

But of course, that's because the lipstick thing is so "light" and easy to understand. The electorate will go to any lengths to avoid thinking seriously about serious questions. We have a prole culture now and nobody is reading "1984" but me.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...