Friday, March 28, 2008

Went to the peace vigil last night with Leslie. It was good to again hold a tiny, tiny candle (literally and symbolically) against the dark. Dennis had worked all day and didn't feel up to going; instead, he dropped in to visit Pat while we were gone. So good to have such good friends.
Les invited me to a hike at Freedom Fields on April 12 sponsored by Little Egg Township. The idea is to get families turned on to hiking--a wonderful gesture and right down my alley, of course.
I was pleased to get pictures this morning from Patrick of the new apartment. Looks much more modern and bigger than his old one, but of course, there are two of them now.
I thought Alison would skip calling me yesterday, as I'm doing fine and was with her on Wednesday, but she called while babysitting for grandchildren Lindsay and Lucas. I also talked--and saw on the web cam--Ellen, who was about to leave for final inspection of her new townhouse.
Marge and I made a tentative date for lunch today, only to be broken if her terrible insomnia persists.
P.S. Betty: Re your comment of yesterday: You're right! What better disguise for criminals than police sweatshirts! Whew--glad they were so winded from running, we escaped with our lives!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...