Saturday, March 15, 2008

After WW yesterday, I packed and sent the Easter packages (cocoanut eggs and Peeps) to Singapore and Tokyo. After, did mostly domestic chores. I had bought a "Nature's Way" (or something) whole chicken, without antibiotics or hormones added, and I decided to just stick it in the crock pot. I did, it cooked all day, and was delicious at dinner.
Barb H. came over to ask if I wanted to sit at her table for the fashion show in May and I do. Earlier, Susan had invited me to go with her to a tea in June at Georgian Court , and I accepted with pleasure.
Got Easter decorations out, including the hand-painted wooden eggs from Poland I bought years ago from somebody at Rider. Cleaned the master bath and caught up on the wash.
Last night, Susan and Walter picked me up and we went to a "sing-a-long" at the clubhouse. It featured our Sunrise Bay Singers with songs from the fifties and sixties, and was good fun. However, somebody sang "Danny Boy" and it made me melancholy to think of Pat sitting home alone, so I left and walked home during the intermission.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...