Friday, March 14, 2008

Met former colleague, Helen C., for lunch at Simply Radishing, one of my old haunts in Lawrenceville. As ever, it was great to see her. She told me she had recently passed her 20-year milestone at Rider, prompting me to realize that I started there in 1975 and have been retired now for almost six years--yoicks!
We had a leisurely lunch, catching up on each other's news. I was tempted by the fabulous corn chowder, but cream soups are notoriously calorie-laden, so ordered mushroom barley--also delicious--and a small Caesar salad, Helen, who was widowed two years ago, is going to Paris in May to visit friends who have an apartment there. (How do you find such friends?)
We parted and drove back to Rider separately. Boy-oh-boy, how the campus has changed! It looks beautiful and the new buildings are so impressive. Went into the new "Rec Center," an absolute palace, with a huge circular reception area in the middle (mostly glass, soaring ceiling, and--incredibly--a fully-equipped Starbucks in the lounge). Ran into Joan P. and Crista M., both of whom I had hired years ago, as they pointed out. Turned around to see the director, Mike R., whom I've known for ages, and we hugged and fell back into our old bantering. Unbelievably and incredibly, he told me his oldest son is fifteen! This can't be true, as I clearly remember when Mike and his wife were anticipating this kid. Boy, does time do that thing...
Dropped in on HR and was greeted with welcomes and hugs all around. Talked to my old boss, Ellen L., darling David, and others; nodded to the successor to my successor (he left after 4 years), and stopped a few other places. Said a final goodbye to Helen, and drove off.
I debated whether to go to the old neighborhood (Ewing), but decided I had had enough looking back, and drove home. The Forest Service was conducting "prescribed burns" on the pine barrens that line most of the 30 miles I drive down Route 539, so I was detoured to Manahawkin. Called Pat to tell him I'd be late and went down to Elaine's, a wonderful candy store, to get Easter items for the Asia contingent. Didn't get home until 5:30, but that was all right.
Greatly enjoyed the day, but as I wrote before: The past is a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
Later: Went to WW and found I'm down another pound. That's a total of 61.4 and a current weight of 138.2. Not bad, Roe, not bad at all.

1 comment:

EBJ said...

Sounds like a nice day.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...