Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm at the clubhouse using the computer. My own is with Don S., as I did something incredibly stupid and I may have actually wrecked the thing. It's just too long and involved to go into and I feel terribly about it. Hope to get the computer back by Saturday, but I may have lost all my data, including this blog and my documents. I'll try to get to a computer tomorrow or maybe later today.


iloveac said...

I've been checking to see if you've blogged. So glad you put this note up. Unless you say you're going to be offline for whatever, we begin to get concerned. I was going to email Betty to make sure you guys are alright.
Sorry about the computer...let's hope Don S can make it OK.
You won't lose your'll be in cyberspace waiting for you to access it.
Hang in there.

EBJ said...



I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...