Friday, April 06, 2007

Uh...oh. Dee asked how I was doing with Weight Watchers and I'm compelled to tell the truth--I'm not. I stopped going, my eating is out of control, and my weight ain't goin' nowhere but up.
Okay, catharsis is good for the soul and I feel better. On to the thrilling saga of yesterday:
I went to Macy's and bought two blouses to wear one on top of the other to the retirement party on the 20th. It's just incredible how expensive Macy's is, but hey, they have nice clothes.
Called brother Frank in California and had a nice chat. He and Marybeth are going out with some 80+-year-old friends on Easter.
Sent an e-mail to Rider University, my alma mater and former place of employment, offering to donate the framed memorabilia I used to have on the wall in my office. (Rider was founded in 1865 in Trenton, NJ.) Offer was accepted and I'll bring them up when I go to a retirement party on the 20th.
My successor at Rider is leaving, so the job from which I retired--manager of employment--is open. If anyone wants to see it, go to and click on "faculty and staff," then "Human Resources," then "employment opportunities," then "search postings," then "search," and see the second listing down, "manager, employment." It's pretty accurate, aside from omitting the frustrations and stress, but that's true of any job.
Have a doctor's appointment today to discuss my bloodwork and the slight numbness/tingling in my left pinky to my wrist (not my whole arm).


iloveac said...

Ok, I FINALLY got to the position description...used to call them job descriptions didn't they? Looks very interesting. If I were hiring someone I'd want someone like you who had actual work experience in the varied aspects of the HR Dept.
Having worked very closely with our HR dept I know this is an extrememly stressful job. You do get to know alot of 'inside' stuff, but every dept in the organization calls you with problems....and they seem to have them everyday.
I bet you were super good at handling such problems.
Hope you had a big staff to whom you could delegate many of them...however the Dept Heads probably always wanted YOU. Am I close?

Mimi said...

A big staff? Oh, my dear, you're not close at all. I FINALLY got my own secretary when the new director came in; before that, I had to use the (overburdened) office secretary. Terri was and is top-notch; we still keep in touch.
The office is set up thusly:
HR Director-supervised all staff
HR Secretary
Employment (me)-supervised employment secretary
Benefits-supervised clerical assistant
Info. Systems-supervised systems assistant (exempt) various work study students to do the shitwork.
So, yes, department heads wanted me and got me--that's how the office was and is set up.

Robyn said...

I'm glad you bought the blouses, and I hope they look great. If they do, WEAR THEM ALL THE TIME. Don't just save them for "special occasions." Don't clean the house in them, but wear them on errands and out and about. Then you get your money's worth, bringing the cost/wearing ratio down, and you look nice, which will make you feel better. I bet they make you look thinner as well!

We end up not wanting to ruin our "good clothes" and wearing frumpy stuff everywhere, then resenting how much we spent on the nice clothes. Wear them!

Mimi said...

That's good advice, Robyn, and I'll follow it. Hurrah for new clothes!

iloveac said...

Robyn that makes such good sense. I have some nice (not fancy) things hanging in my closet for what? I'm going to stop wearing the frumpy stuff and get that cost/wearing ratio back in place.
Good for you RBM buying yourself some new duds....Gene Steeb was just fantasizing about you.
If you don't mind a little fling, I might be able to get you two together....I think he's a friend of my cousin. Six degrees again.
Send me a SASE with your charge card number and I'll tell you how this can be done.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...