Saturday, April 28, 2007

Best news: Betty is much, much improved. When I talked to her, she said she felt better, and she sounded like her old self. Her internal workings are back in order, she was being put on a liquid diet, and she was talking about the possibility of going home today. She asked me to convey her thanks to everybody for their prayers and concern, prominently including the cyber-friends who read this blog. Yippee!
Enjoyed "Angel Street" last night. It's actually based on the old movie "Gaslight," with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer, a murder mystery. The acting was superb, the set wonderful (a Victorian parlour) and there were even lighting effects. We picked up a friend of Leslie's in Seaoaks first, had second-row seats, and were pleased to have Ray and Barb, and Gary and Julie sit behind us. The only negative was that I didn't get home until almost 10:00--practically the middle of the night for me--and still stayed up to have my wine and popcorn. I did, however, finally break the "wake up at 3:00" pattern and slept until almost 5:00. Of course, I didn't actually turn off the light until 10:30, so I didn't really get enough sleep--but at least, I slept. Pat said brother Jim called to get news of Betty; I'll call him this morning.
I signed up to have my monthly Weight Watchers dues deducted from my bank account automatically. This isn't as much a bargain for seniors as for others because we pay a dollar less than the usual fee of $13 a week. On-line, it's $39.95 a month--still a savings.
Nothing going on today, which means I'll have to stir up some excitement. Nearby Barneget is having a town-wide yard sale so maybe I'll mosey down there. Or maybe for REAL excitement, I'll julianne some potatoes for dinner--yowza!


iloveac said...

Do you mean WW is almost $40/week ....that's expensive. Did I read that wrong? Congrats on your determination tho'.

So glad Betty is doing better. Sounds like she'll be where she wanted to be for the new grandbaby at the end of May.

Mimi said...

Typo, typo! I meant to type "$39.95 a month" and have now changed it, thanks to you, Ms. Eagle Eye. Thanks for letting me know.

Dee's Blog said...

I just wrote a long comment and as I tried to send it, the internet went down. Guess it's not fixed afteral.
This theater group, is it local? We use to have an open air theater with name stars. It was nice, up on a mountain, cool breezes in the summer. Eventually they shut down, no profit.
I caught that WW error but I thought you were testing us. LOL
Your having a good time with your new mandolin. I have tried all those product on TV but I don't have the strength to push them down. If I knew someone who had one I could try theirs, but if I purchased one of my own it would end up in the section of the cellar reserved for things I absolutely cannot live without.
I'm putting this on the clipboard in case they go down on me again.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...