Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The "caregivers' group" (in quotes on purpose) was again just a complete waste of time, with the "facilitator" (same as previous), Angela, as loquacious and boring as before. There was only one other person there, Andrea, also a non-stop talker and--get this--no longer a caregiver, as her 99-year-old mother died in March (probably just to get some relief from the noise).
Angela's ineptitude is mind-boggling. This "group" is supposed to meet every two weeks and when I remarked that I hadn't gotten the promised snail-mail notice about the last meeting, Angela cheerfully assured me that she had been away and her "assistant" (probably the aide who empties the bedpans) forgot to send it. She then had us put our names, addresses, and phone numbers on a sheet of paper. When I told her I had done that the last time, she said yes, but she asks everybody to write out all their information each meeting to use for "a list"--what!?
The rest of the session (scheduled for 2 to 4, but we broke up about 3:30, Allah be praised) consisted of a contest between Angela and Andrea about who could be most inane. I now know all about Angela's widowed father's deathbed confession that he had secretly married a floozie and the uproar that ensued when she took his ashes. Also learned about Andrea's 4 brothers being complete jerks who made her cash in her life insurance policy to bury their mother. (An interesting note: Both Andrea and her late mother were professional softball players ala that old movie with Madonna and Geena Davis.)
Aside from all the true confessions stuff, Angela spent a few minutes vaguely touting the program that encourages the afflicted to "take charge of their own treatment" by learning to deal with doctors, nutritionists, agencies, and so on. (I can just see my husband clamoring to sign up for this. Betty will know what I mean.) Caregivers are supposed to attend, too, then go back to their communities and "facilitate" their own programs to educate their neighbors--in a volunteer capacity, of course.
After that, it was back to urgent matters, such as Angela explaining the difference between her maiden name of "Fisher" (Irish, she said) and "Fischer" (German spelling) and how her sister always thought they were half German. I kid you not.
What's incredible is that it's obvious there's no agenda, focus, or--seemingly--even purpose for this whole sorry mess. Clearly, it's sanctioned by the hospital and, presumably, Angela gets paid (she's an R.N.). Was she assigned to this thing, or did she propose it? Does she get some kind of grant? Does she have to submit a periodic report (that should be the very least of her accountability)? Does she work otherwise? Does she "facilitate" any other "groups"? Does she have a brain in her head?
Tonight, I go with Vivian to Manalapan for a dinner meeting with the real caregivers' group, Wellspouse--looking forward to that.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

That's why I could never be a shrink. I'd want to scream "will you get to the point". I would not be surprised if Angela was someone they didn't know what to do with ...so they have her 'facilitate' this group. She sounds like she needs early retirement. Make a list of names and addresses every time you meet...what? Also Andrea and Angela could use a caregiver themselves seems to me.
I had a feeling it wasn't going to be any better than the meeting in February...but you gave it a second chance...and I bet you don't give it a third chance.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...