Tuesday, January 23, 2007

When I got up yesterday, I was amazed to find it had snowed. There wasn't much, but the sidewalks and streets were icy and I was afraid to try to get over to Susan's. I figured she'd come here and she did. She was nice enough to get her car and drive us to the clubhouse where we did our 3-miler. Today, we walk (1 1/2 mile). Barb H. e-mailed asking if I want to go to Curves and I will at 9:30. I still want to take advantage of the freebies for the month.
Dennis, our friend, neighbor, and contractor, came over yesterday to discuss the built-ins in the study. It looks good, but I still have some problem visualizing it all. What we want is the far wall filled in as an office work area, places for the printer, fax machine, paper, files, and all kinds of other office stuff. It's incredible how much paperwork I generate--I take care of all our "business," including, but not limited to, Medicare, the two supplemental insurances, Pat's doctors, plus all the other items: taxes, mortgage, purchases, etc. In addition, I keep track of appointments, meetings, invitations, people's birthdays and anniversaries, and so on. Right now, I use a junky old Ikea desk, plus separate bookcases and have files, paper, and other supplies in the closet, things in the antique desk in the hall, and other stuff I need stashed in various rooms. It will be heavenly to be able to find things and have them all in a central place.

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