Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The progressive dinner was a great success! This was our third annual and all 5 couples and 2 singles were there. It was a bitch getting everything ready, including cleaning the house and making sure we had enough tableware--we put away what's left of the tableware for next year's host(esses)--and so on. Johanna across the street brought two trays of lasagna AND a crockpot of sausage and meatballs, so our plan to simplify with just appetizers and dessert courses didn't happen. However, most of it was eaten, so I guess people enjoy things a little more substantial. Maybe next time, though, we should coordinate better and check ahead of time to see what people plan to bring. We had MUCH too many crackers and cheese, as Anne Mary H. brought a huge platter and I had some out, too. Anyway, we then went to Bill and Elaine G.'s for dessert, all of which were superb and including homemade cheesecake, layered chocolate cake, and other delectable treats, as well as store-brought cakes. I brought over the larger bottle of ice wine DIL Paula had given me and we all had a drop to toast the new year. All in all, a great time and it brought to mind the most important thing: our incredible good luck in choosing Sunrise Bay for our home; we couldn't have done better.
This evening, Dennis, Leslie, and I are going to a peace vigil in Absecon to mark the 3000th American killed in the immoral and disgusting war in Iraq. Of course, thousands and thousands of Iraqi's have been slaughtered, too, including children who never did anyone any harm. Can that horror ever be justified? What possible political goal or military objective is worth that?


iloveac said...

You are so fortunate to have so many neighbors/friends of the same mindset regarding this horrible war. We live in a military community...not on base, but so many people here support Bush and his planners..
We've not been invited to many gatherings in the past two years after letting it be known how we felt. Don't care about those folks now, but it is interesting.
I do belong to a Women's group who share our view, but we live right next door to a Navy Seal whose been in Afghanistan and Iraq. We really like him and his buddies, but we just don't talk about the 'elephant' in the room.
I wonder why more students aren't doing 'sit ins' like they did in the 60s.
Your party sounds like it went quite well.

Mimi said...

Pat, I was pleased to read your comment. In this over-55 community, many people tend to be quite conservative and pro-Bush/war. Some of my good friends are clearly of that stripe but, as with your Seal friends, we avoid the topics. I try always to separate our differing beliefs from my respect and liking for the person.
Considering Rich's career, it must be difficult for you at times to have people assume you support the war.
I have magnets on my car similar to the "Support Our Troops" one. One says "Cultivate Peace" and the other "Question War." So far, I've gotten only admiring comments.
Dennis and Leslie are Mennonites; one of the basics of that religion is pacificism. I am a pacifist so was delighted to realize their beliefs.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...