Monday, January 29, 2007

Very enjoyable day yesterday: Alison came down and helped me move a few things in the garage (yes, I'm still working on that--tune in next decade and I may be finished). Then she, Pat, and I went to Calloway's for lunch. When we got home, Alison put on her running togs and ran down Mathistown Road for 10 miles. (Now "10 miles" trips easily off the tongue--or slides easily past the eyes--but if you actually measure it when you're in the car, it ain't no trip to the backyard.) Anyway, it was good to have her here, as ever.
Pat managed at Calloway's all right, but I'm a little concerned about when he takes his buddies there. It wasn't the stairs so much as the walk from the door to the table that was hard for him. I'm afraid his friends won't realize that and he might have a problem. Maybe I'll get in touch with one of them and see if they can keep an eye out.
Got up this morning to see a lovely winter wonderland--*&%$*!!!--(that's supposed to signify cursing and knashing of teeth), Yes, it snowed and I don't like it. Not only do I have to put my boots on and wade out to get the paper, but Pat has a doctor's appointment at Fort Dix. Well, maybe the streets will be cleared by 10:00 when we'd have to leave; otherwise, I'll just call and cancel.
Looking forward to lunch with Marge tomorrow.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...