Thursday, January 04, 2007

Virtuous me, I did indeed get most of the tree ornaments down, as well as some of the other Christmas decorations. They're mostly strewed around the house, but I must finish up and put them away because the cleaning service comes tomorrow.
Went to the Drama Club directors' meeting yesterday and told my three co-directors I was going to drop out. They expressed their regret, said I had contributed so much, they liked working with me, and so on, which I appreciated, but I don't regret my decision. It was getting to be more of a chore than not, regardless of the fun of the actual productions. I gave Marge the original skits I had written, plus some potential jokes from other sources. I will attend next week's full meeting to personally tell the rest of the group that I've resigned. Now, far from feeling unhappy about it, I have a great sense of liberation. Onward and upward to new triumphs in Sunrise Bay! (That's a paraphrase of a line in the old book, Auntie Mame, believe it or not; don't think it was in the movie. I have no idea why it stuck with me for 50 years or so.)

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...