Monday, December 11, 2006

The Christmas party last night was nice, but I felt a little mopey, being there as a single at a table with 4 couples. However, I enjoyed dancing and chatting with friends. Got home about 10:00, called Ellen, then went to bed.
I'm starting to feel nervous about getting everything done before our company comes, especially considering that this is a busy week. Not only is the guest room not set up yet, but I haven't even begun to think about wrapping presents and so on. Must take those two wreaths back and want to get others for the study and finally finish decorating.
Now I'm not sure if I should get my scheduled perm tomorrow, as my hair has actually fluffed up and looks pretty good. Of course, it may not stay that way--decisions, decisions...
What horrifies me is the thought that I may develop a cold before Christmas. This seems to happen all too often and it would really be a problem this year.
Looking forward to meeting WS friend, Viv, for dinner, although this will be the third day in a row I've left Pat to his own devices at dinnertime. Saturday, I gave him the Brother's take-out menu and he called and had it delivered; last night I left a can of Dinty Moore beef stew--not sure what I'll arrange for him tonight. Well, except for the Joe and Flo party on Thursday (not sure if he'll go or not), I'll be here the rest of the week.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Dear Friend,
Here's some more unsolicited medical/everyday advice.
You are setting yourself up for the cold you don't want to get. Stress will decrease your immune system. So, here's my advice. Don't worry if everything isn't ready when your family comes....let the first people to arrive help you finish...they'll feel more at home. Get your hair always makes us 'girls' feel better when we do. Don't worry about what Pat will's good for him to know he can make it when he's alone...just in case you croak....enjoy all the fun.....and increase your Vitamin C. Live, Live, Live....we don't have to be perfect and besides everything you've done so far sounds like this is going to be one of the best holidays for all of you.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...