Saturday, December 09, 2006

Mary Ann Van O. and I went to lunch at Creevey's and had a good time. Her husband also has end-stage emphysema, so we have that in common. Earlier in the day, I continued to put things away and in order--at a snail's pace--to get ready for the holiday. Have a few more things to buy, including sheets for the pull-out bed/loveseat for the nanny, Vicky, and Pediasure, which Paula asked me to get. Must remember eggnog, too, when the day gets closer.
Today, I'm meeting Mary H. for lunch in Ventnor, then will receive the portable crib she's lending me. At 5:30, I'll attend the tree-lighting ceremony at Judy's, then watch the ABC Christmas special for which niece by marriage, Robyn, made the costumes.
Later: I wrote the above before my 7:00 am walk with Susan. She has now told me that she and some other couples were planning a surprise party for me--until they got the invitation from me! Gee, I'm disappointed--I would have loved a surprise party, but of course, I didn't know about it. Talked to Alison and she said they (my children) were also talking about a surprise party until they learned about mine. Well, it'll be nice to see everybody on the 21st, my actual birthday--friends for lunch and family for dinner.
Met Mary and we went to Downbeach Deli for lunch; had a good time, as ever, with such a good old friend. (Well, make that "long-time" friend.) She lent me a portable crib that I hope will be all right for Vivian.
Must now get warmly dressed for the tree-lighting ceremony. You can be sure that as soon as the damn tree is lit, I'm going to get lit (lit up--but just a little) with Susan's egg nog and the appetizers. Will then go home and enjoy seeing niece-in-law Robyn's handiwork on that Christmas animation show on ABC.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...