Monday, December 18, 2006

Alison and Mike came down yesterday about 11:00 and I met them on LBI (Long Beach Island for the uninitiated) to pick up the crib. They didn't bring the pickup, but put it on the car rack, so it worked out well. All went without a hitch, aside from a minor one: After we got the crib, I told A. and M. I'd stop and get a crib sheet, then meet them back at the house. Went to 3 different jam-packed, noisy stores beore I finally found one. When I got home, A., M., and Pat were having lunch. They then dressed in running gear and ran roughly 24 miles to the end of Seven Bridges Road and back. After that, they moved the beds in the guest room, transported the stone table from the porch back to the garage, and got the extra kitchen chairs down--all this briskly and cheerfully, never giving the impression it was an imposition. What a dynamic duo! We're so lucky to have them!
Lucky to have the rest of the Fab Four, too: The Singapore contingent will be here about 8:00 pm and California girl tomorrow night at Alison's, Wednesday down to our place. Yay!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...