Monday, September 11, 2006

Yesterday was an okay day. Larry called in the morning to thank me for the copy of his St. James graduating class. Also told us about Helen's surgery of today to remove a growth from under her eye. I got her a card and will send today.
Went to the Women's Club meeting with Barb H.; talk on scrapbooking was pretty good, but not riveting. Made meatloaf for dinner. Got Sunday call from darling daughter Ellen; today's her birthday, so I'll call her later today, too. She got our gifts--wind chimes and a musical cutting board. No, the board doesn't play music, it just has a Chopin work on it.
I'm in touch with Lily M. about the St. James archives. She has some good stuff she's willing to duplicate and donate. I suggested we meet for lunch to talk over archives, gala, etc.
Today, will just run a few errands and generally do what I please. Always appreciate the days I don't have anything on the agenda...

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...