Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Enjoyed lunch and the Bass River hundreth anniversary lecture with Leslie on Monday afternoon. We went to Perkins House in the Holiday Inn, then to the Mill Creek Community Center for the talk. Dennis had been a mail carrier and Les met somebody at the talk (sponsored by an "active and retired mail carriers" association) who knew him from up north.
Yesterday, we had a lovely visit with Bill and Regina. The more I see Regina, the more I like her, although we couldn't be more opposite in our political, social, and religious views. R. is very conservative, not to say reactionary. A few years ago, I invariably reacted with high indignation and came out swinging when people expressed what I saw as mindless prejudice. Now, though, I seem to have mellowed and I try (and usually, although not always, succeed) to look past such differences and see what I appreciate in the person. R. and I were able to laugh together about our opposing beliefs and enjoy each other and the day.
I insisted on bringing lunch (last time, they served up the meal), and used the attractive straw picnic basket I had brought at a yard sale last year. I made ham and cheese, roast beef, and turkey breast sandwiches on sourdough and rye bread, a big green salad, and my crystal pickles, with the chocolate "pirouette" (?--I'm too lazy to go in the pantry and look at the tin) cookies Mary Ann V. had brought as a hostess gift last week. Lunch turned out to be pretty good, but even better, of course, was the talking and laughter we shared.
When we drove up at home about 4:00, Ray and Barb were coming down the street, having just gotten back from Rhode Island to see son John, and we chatted with them in the driveway. Frank came over, then Dennis and Bill, and we all stood around catching up on each other's doings.
Today is the first meeting of the Sunrise Bay Players, with our directors' meeting a half hour before. I have one skit partly done and another I'm mulling over in my head--hope Marge, Dennis, or Amy have more material to contribute.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...